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Jetlag Prevention for Australian Business Travelers: Stay Sharp on International Trips


Lee Bradley |

Jetlag Prevention for Australian Business Travelers

Traveling internationally for business? Awesome! But wait, before you dive into that overseas adventure, let’s talk about the not-so-fun part—jetlag. It’s like that uninvited guest who shows up just as you’re about to nail your big presentation. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! This guide is packed with simple, practical tips tailored for our Australian business travelers, ensuring you stay sharp and on your A-game, no matter where you’re headed.

Table of Contents

Understanding Jetlag and Its Impact on Business Travelers


What is Jetlag?

Jetlag occurs when your internal body clock is out of sync with the time zone you're in. This disruption affects your sleep, digestion, and overall alertness, making it tough to perform at your best—especially during critical business meetings.


Why Business Travelers Are Most Affected

As a business traveler, the demands of maintaining peak performance in unfamiliar environments make jetlag particularly troublesome. Missing out on sleep, feeling groggy, or even experiencing digestive discomfort can significantly impact your ability to focus and make clear decisions.

Pre-Travel Tips to Minimize Jetlag

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule

One of the most effective ways to combat jetlag is by adjusting your sleep schedule before you even board the plane. Gradually shift your bedtime closer to the time zone of your destination. If you’re heading west, try going to bed an hour later each night; if you’re traveling east, go to bed an hour earlier.


Hydration is Key

Staying hydrated is crucial, both before and during your flight. Dehydration can worsen the symptoms of jetlag, so make it a habit to drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as these can interfere with sleep and exacerbate dehydration.

Choose the Right Flight

Whenever possible, book flights that allow you to arrive in the evening, so you can go to bed shortly after landing. This helps your body adjust to the new time zone more naturally. For longer trips, consider flights that offer an overnight leg, allowing you to sleep during the journey.

In-Flight Strategies for Jetlag Prevention


Sleep Smart on the Plane

Getting quality sleep on the plane is essential. Consider booking a window seat so you can lean against the side of the plane without being disturbed. Use a travel pillow, noise-canceling headphones, and an eye mask to create a conducive sleep environment.

One client, John, who frequently travels between Sydney and Los Angeles, swears by his routine: "I always use my Jet-Ease pills from Travel Gear to ensure I get some rest on the flight. It’s made all the difference in arriving refreshed and ready for my meetings."


Stay Active During the Flight

To avoid stiffness and improve circulation, make it a point to move around during the flight. Simple stretches or a short walk up and down the aisle can do wonders for your body, helping reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis and keeping you more alert.

Mind Your Meals

Eating smaller, lighter meals at the right times can help your body adjust to a new time zone. Choose foods that are easy to digest, and avoid heavy, rich meals that can make you feel sluggish. Some travelers find it helpful to sync their meal times with the destination’s time zone while still in flight.

Post-Arrival Tactics to Beat Jetlag

Get Sunlight Exposure

Natural light is one of the most powerful tools for resetting your body’s internal clock. Upon arrival, try to spend time outdoors in natural light, especially in the morning. This exposure can help your body adjust to the new time zone more quickly.

Stick to Local Time

Adopt the local time as soon as you arrive. This means eating meals, going to bed, and waking up according to the local schedule, even if you feel tired. Your body will gradually adjust, and you’ll find it easier to stay on track.

Short Naps Only

If you’re feeling extremely tired, a short nap might be necessary, but keep it to 20-30 minutes to avoid disrupting your nighttime sleep. Longer naps can make it harder to adjust and prolong the effects of jetlag.

Long-Term Solutions for Frequent Business Travelers


Building a Jetlag-Resilient Routine

For those who frequently travel, establishing a routine that minimizes jetlag is key. This might include consistent sleep patterns, regular exercise, and a diet that supports overall well-being. Over time, your body will become more adept at handling time zone changes.

Technology Aids

Several apps and gadgets are designed to help manage jetlag, such as light exposure trackers and sleep cycle monitors. These tools can provide personalized guidance on when to sleep, eat, and get sunlight, making it easier to adapt to new time zones.

Consider Professional Help

If jetlag becomes a persistent issue, especially for those with a heavy international travel schedule, consulting a sleep specialist can provide tailored strategies. This professional advice can make a significant difference in your overall travel experience.


While this guide offers comprehensive tips on preventing jetlag, you might also find specific products useful in managing your symptoms. Check out the Jetlag Prevention Collection for carefully selected items that can support your travel routine. Products like Jet-Ease, No More Jet Lag, and Tripease Jet Lag Pills are specifically designed to help you stay energized and focused, no matter where your business takes you.

This article is designed to provide informative and educational content to help you manage jetlag, unlike the product pages that focus on specific features and purchasing options. The tips shared here complement the use of products available on Travel Gear, making it easier for you to choose solutions that fit your needs.



Jetlag doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of international business travel. By following these strategies, you can minimize its impact and stay sharp, productive, and ready to take on any challenge. Remember to prepare in advance, manage your in-flight experience, and adjust quickly upon arrival to ensure a smooth transition to the new time zone.

For more support, consider incorporating trusted products from the Jetlag Prevention Collection into your travel routine. Safe travels!